Covid 19 Information
During these uncertain times, I have made the very difficult decision to no longer allow owners inside the hotel.
Collection and drop offs will now take place outside with strict social distance rules.
This is to try and ensure that I can safely continue to provide a service without the extended risk of contracting Covid 19 and having to quarentine.
I hope you'll all understand that my health and my families health as well as my customers is paramount right now.
I can 100% assure you that no care of my guests will be compromised under any circumstances and I hope that you will suppport me in my decision.
Please arrive as normal and wait in our car, I will come to the door to signal I'm ready to receive or deliver the guest.
I will then wait for you to bring the carrier to the path and allow you to put the carrier down before I approach and collect the basket.
I hope no one feels offended by this new procedure and I look forward to welcoming you all inside again soon.